
What I’ve Learned in Four Years as a Widow

Here we are. We come to this place every year. An anniversary. There are plenty of anniversaries to be had – job anniversaries, wedding anniversaries, home-buying anniversaries – but this particular anniversary is a death anniversary. Specifically, it’s my husband’s death anniversary. Which leads to my yearly rumination of exactly how does one celebrate a…

So when does it get better?

When does it get better? Ha! I’m quite certain this is a trick question. I’m three years in, and I’ve decided… It never gets better. The person you love never comes back. The person you were never comes back. The life you thought you had is gone forever. So horribly uplifting and positive, right? (I…

My husband hasn’t talked to me in three years.

It’s been more than three years since my husband said my name. More than three years since the hospice worker showed up, stopped the feeding tube and said, “I don’t think he’ll need that anymore.” It was more than three years ago that I stood on my porch listening to two hospice workers talk about…

No One Gets to Say You’re Doing it Wrong

Widows get a lot of advice. I mean, oh so much advice. While I wouldn’t call all the advice I’ve received good, I’ve been very fortunate in that it has almost all come from a good place. I think I can count on one hand the number of times I was subject to advice from…