The Widow Life

Don’t Look Back. There is Only Pain There.

It’s been an odd couple months for me. Well, maybe not odd. More like nice and refreshing. After Tom died, I flung myself full-speed into my freelance assignments. I rarely, if ever, said no to work and often found myself spending nights and weekends on the computer to meet deadlines. I regularly told myself that…

5 Reasons I’m Not Dating

It seems like every single woman is faced with this question from time to time: are you dating? Widows are no exception, and people often want to know if I’m dating or will I be dating. Even my husband brought up the topic on occasion after his cancer became terminal. He thought there was no…

5 Ways to Get the Help You Need Without Feeling Like a Heel

As I mentioned earlier this week, widows need to be prepared for disappointment. So many people have so many good intentions, but the reality is many folks simply will not be there when you need them. However, that’s not necessarily because they are insensitive. Many times, people don’t know how to follow-up on their offer…

People Say They Want to Help. They Won’t.

That’s right. Plenty of folks say they want to help, but they never will. That’s not a knock on those people. It’s just reality – a reality I think every widow (or really, any person facing tragedy) should prepare for. Because if you don’t, you may find you’ve set yourself up for deep disappointment. When…