Why You Need to Be Ready to Take Over Your Family Finances

This article originally appeared on Sixty and Me. If you haven’t already, please head over to sixtyandme.com to check out this community of vibrant women.


My husband didn’t expect to be diagnosed with esophageal cancer at age 34. I didn’t expect to become a widow at age 35.

However, this is the path life laid before us.

While it’s hard to call it a silver-lining, we were fortunate in that I was always our family’s breadwinner. I paid the bills, filed the important documents and knew the ins and outs of our insurance policies. That didn’t make a bad situation better, but it meant I was able to avoid much of the confusion and many of the mistakes that can be made when someone is thrust into handling finances during a stressful situation.

Unfortunately, not all women are as fortunate. In extreme cases, some find themselves faced with a crisis and no idea where their money is located or how to access it.

Now, I’m not suggesting you have to take over the family finances from your husband, but all women – of all ages – should be prepared to step in and take the reins as needed.

You never know when life will surprise you

My husband died after three years of hoping and praying modern medicine would work a miracle. His esophagus was removed, and he endured months of chemotherapy and radiation only to have the tumor come back and eventually close off his windpipe. In the end, his death wasn’t unexpected although it still strangely felt that way.

My mom had the opposite experience. In the course of one week, my 74 year-old dad went from feeling a little under the weather to being rushed to the emergency room to coming home with hospice and passing away.

While I had always taken care of my family’s finances, my mom, quite frankly, didn’t have a clue. Money was solely my dad’s domain. Fortunately, I helped prepare their taxes so even though she didn’t know what accounts they had, I did.

It doesn’t matter how old you are – whether you’re in your 30s like me or your 70s like my mom – having a strong foundation of financial knowledge is essential for every woman. Death, divorce and disability all come calling when you least expect it so don’t wait to be prepared.

5 ways to be ready to manage your money

If you aren’t already involved in your family finances, here are five simple ways to be informed without stepping on your spouse’s toes or looking like you’re attempting to take over his territory.

Ask for a list of all accounts and online passwords: Regardless of who actually pays the bills, both spouses need to know where and how to find the household assets. Ask your husband to write a list of all your family’s accounts along with their numbers and any passwords or PINs needed to access them. Keep this information in a secure place where you can easily access it if needed.

Review statements regularly: Make a point to look over all financial statements on a regular basis. Pay particular attention to your main checking account to become familiar with how much money is coming in and which bills need to be paid monthly. Since many households have quarterly or annual bills as well, ask your spouse to write those down for you. It’s not unheard of for someone to lose a house for missing a property tax payment so you want those details in case anything should happen your spouse. Store this information along with your bank account numbers.

Familiarize yourself with family insurance policies: You’ll also want to understand the insurance policies that cover you and your spouse. If your husband is still working, he may have disability, health and life insurance through his employer. If he’s retired, he may have a private health plan or Medicare as well as a privately purchased term or whole life policy.

Introduce yourself to your insurance agent and financial planner: If your family has an insurance agent or a financial planner, you don’t want to be meeting him or her for the first time when you’re in the midst of a crisis. Instead, accompany your husband to his next meeting with these professionals or pick up the phone and call them yourself. It doesn’t need to be a long conversation. Simply introduce yourself and explain that you wanted to touch base since you’re in the process of going over the family finances.

Make a will and keep a copy: Writing a will might not sound like fun, but without one, an estate could spend months, if not years, being sorted out by the courts. It’s especially important if you have a blended family, previous spouses or a large amount of assets. Get you and your husband’s wishes on paper to minimize your odds of having to referee a contentious family debate in the middle of your grief.

These five steps are simple ways to get a big picture view of your family finances. If your husband balks at sharing any of this information, you may have deeper issues to address – ones that may require a visit to a competent counselor.

No one knows when they will find themselves alone and in charge of the checkbook. Be grateful if your husband is willing to do the money management now but be ready to do it yourself when he is no longer able.

Photo courtesy of TaxCredits.net


    1. We have somewhat of the opposite problem. My husband is the breadwinner but I handle all of our finances. I have our budget written down in a “budget book” where we can actually see three years of monthly budgets, I keep all of our bills neatly tucked inside of it, and he knows where to find it. I sit down once a week, pay the bills and tell him what I did. However, I still worry that he wouldn’t be able to pick up where I left off if I was unable to handle our finances. Your post has given me some great suggestions on how to make such a transition easier on him and ultimately our children. Thanks!

      1. Sounds like you have a great system in place. Hopefully your husband will never need to use it, but it’s definitely best to be prepared!

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