Come, Be Social With Me

When it comes to blogging best practices, it seems as though you’re expected to have a Facebook page, a Twitter handle and an Instagram feed where your readers can connect with you on social media. Some really ambitious bloggers may even set up YouTube channels, launch Periscope shows and create Tumblr pages.

But me? In the immortal words of that internet meme, ain’t nobody got time for that! So when I started this blog, I was content to let my Google+ account (which inexplicably averages something like 2,000 views a day) be my primary, public social media presence.

Then, I was asked to participate in the Gemalto EMV for a Week challenge, and I decided that maybe I should have two place to post my updates. So I started an Instagram account.

Then, I was asked to be a guest contributor to Sixtyand Me, but in order to respond to comments there, I need to use a Facebook account. I didn’t want to use my personal account so I decided to create a business page for the blog.

Then, U.S. News asked me to participate in a Twitter chat about #lastminutetaxes so I created a Twitter account for that.

Now — after all those thens — I have a Twitter, Instagram and Facebook page for the blog. I’m not exactly sure what I’m going to do with them, but by gol’ when I figure it out, I want you to be there to see it!

I’m setting a very low bar for myself and aiming to get double-digit followers/likes on all my accounts. That means I only need one more Twitter follower (hey, that could be you!). If you’d like to help boost my self-esteem while also being first in line to discover whatever cool things I find to post on social media, here are links to my new accounts as well as all the other places you can find me on the interwebs.

I’d love to connect with you on social media. Hope to see you there soon!

(photo credit)


    1. I am following you on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and LinkedIn (I don’t understand Google, Instagram and Good Reads). I am enjoying your posts!

      Karin Waterbury

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